Since the beginning of the COVID19 crisis in Honduras, PAG has supported the poorest and most vulnerable families affected by the strict quarantine measures; families that depend on what they earn on a daily basis. We want to thank our donors, once again, for their invaluable and generous contribution towards PAG’s emergency relief efforts. PAG has given out cash donations to over 1,500 families in Comayagua County and Tegucigalpa to help them buy food locally. Additionally, families have received personal hygiene and health products (soaps, face masks, dental floss, lotion, etc.), as well as educational information regarding the coronavirus.
PAG's 500 community owned pharmacies (420 in central Honduras and 80 in western Honduras) have been restocked with medicines and hygiene products to supply more than 50,000 rural families with access to primary health care services and low-cost medications during this crisis. Patients with hypertension and diabetes have not received the proper follow-up care since the health centers are prioritizing COVID19 cases. PAG's community health program donated a two-month supply of medications to 1,000 diabetic and hypertensive patients to help them manage their chronic disease during this crisis. PAG has also began training its community health volunteers in biosafety measures to help prevent the spread of the virus.
Our Honduran brothers & sisters send their regards and their thanks to all our donors who have so generously given during this pandemic! Still, thousands of families need our help! Your ongoing support is greatly appreciated! Join PAG’s COVID19 Emergency Relief Efforts by donating today!