Flor del Campo is one of the most populated areas of the capital city of Tegucigalpa. PAG began working at Flor del Campo in 1988 when there were no roads and families lived in wooden huts, with no water or electricity. The basic needs were so great that families cared more about feeding their children than about their education. This slum area is now home to 75,000 inhabitants, with a high percentage of young adults without any formal education. With the financial support of the John Knox Presbyterian Church in Seattle, Washington, the living conditions of these families began to improve and in 1992 a scholarship program was initiated to support at-risk children and youth in their academic studies. The Scholarship Program seeks to overcome the problems of education, encourage these children and youth to continue their studies to become young professionals, and improve their quality of life through access to education to open up new opportunities for them.
In addition, the program offers tutoring sessions to students from all over the Flor del Campo area and its surroundings. These tutoring sessions are provided by our own university beneficiaries as a way of paying back their scholarship by investing in their own community. PAG also started a Children’s Bible Club in order to teach highly vulnerable children moral and spiritual values, respect for others and a culture of peace through innovative artistic expressions.
A youth camp is held each year for all scholarship students in the program. This year, the main theme of the youth camp was, “Transformed”, based on the Bible verse: “Do not conform to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your understanding, that you may prove what the good will of God is, pleasant and perfect (Romans 12:2).
The youth participated in craft activities, received a speech on sexuality, and shared a time of praise and Bible reflection together. In addition, they enjoyed the outdoors environment of PANACAM park. At the end, participants were given a Bible and each were prayed for individually.